
This page would include ways people can participate in spiritual growth (prayer group, meditation, worship) and ways people can volunteer at church, technical support, readers, etc. as well as a page about the preaching class. (Maryanne and Ginnie)





Environment – This page would link to the wandering church page, as well as a bit about the FOGies and list any other ways we are supporting the environmental justice! (Martine, Louisa, Betsy)


Anti-Racism  – This page would link to the anti-racism website and list upcoming dates for our meetings. (Vanessa and Marala)


Hunger – This would list the places where we give food with photos and links to their websites. It would also include upcoming dates for helping out and a link to sign up genius. (Besty and Susan Mitola)


Poverty – This would list places where we donate goods like IRIS and the Jesse tree and the Trumbull social services. (Betsy and Susan Mitola)


Giving – This page would include a list of ways to help us raise money for the church and our outreach.. upcoming events and volunteer positions that are needed at those events with links to sign up genius. (Lisa, Susan Walker)

  • We open our hearts to Christ and our arms to all

  • In faith and fellowship, we seek to celebrate Christ in you, our community, and creation.